Red Flags, At-Risk Individuals, and a Paradigm Shift
May I Have Your Attention Please: All CEOs, CISOs, CFOs, CROs, COOs, CDOs, Superintendents, Deans, Principals, Board Members, Trustees, Mayors, and other leaders too. A paradigm shift is taking place and leaders need to be aware because it involves a legal strategy that attorneys are using to win lawsuits and ...

Warning Signs, Red Flags, and Preventing
How many times have you read a headline or story about an incident or tragedy and it mentioned how warning signs and red flags were missed, ignored, or not acted on? How many times have you had an incident at your organization and found out afterward that others were aware ...

Warning Signs & Red Flags: Where were they?
Have you ever been involved in a post-incident investigation and found out others were aware of warning signs and red flags BEFORE the incident occurred? Have you seen the headlines after an incident? Data reveals most incidents and tragedies had enough warning signs and red flags recorded before the incident ...

Threat Assessment Teams: Are you equipping yours for success?
A lot of schools, organizations, and communities are focusing on threat assessment teams (TATs) right now, are you equipping yours for success? In the DHS School Security Guide (2018) they state that “The importance of detecting and addressing concerning behavior, thoughts, or statements cannot be overstated. In fact, preventing violence ...

#WarningSigns: Community-wide Efforts
“Child abuse is incredibly common,” Patterson said. “The community as a whole has to be involved in order to make a difference." Read the full article here. Is your Threat Assessment Team (TAT) seeing all the Warning Signs your community members are? To succeed, it's time they were... Awareity specializes ...

#WarningSigns: Anonymous Reporting for Safety
The District Attorney's office says one of the most common problems with domestic violence cases is that victims refuse to come forward. In order for anything to change in those cases, the District Attorney's office needs victim cooperation and police need victims to report domestic violence. - Megan Abundis To see ...

#WarningSigns: Don’t Forget After Tragedies
"We know that post-traumatic stress and catastrophic events can cause depression. And there can be suicidal thoughts. But we really now are seeing that there's a big risk and that's why we want to get these kids the help that they really need to make sure that someone is looking ...

#WarningSigns: Connecting the Dots
“Investigations will be done and this case will be looked at. And everyone will try their best to figure out what went wrong and how can we prevent it from happening in the future. Somehow there are a lot of people who missed a lot of things.” - Torrie Taj, CEO ...

#WarningSigns: Social Media Cries for Help
Warning Signs are often seen outside of your organization or school, however, they play a vital role in your intervention and prevention efforts. Are you equipped to collect and assess Warning Signs from social media so you can see the bigger picture and intervene BEFORE incidents occur? Awareity's "Smart" Platform ...

#WarningSigns: University of Utah, Domestic Violence
How is your school (SRO, student conduct systems, etc.), university (campus police, counselors, etc.), or organization (security, HR systems, etc.) connecting #WarningSigns with community resources (local police, mental health, court systems, parole status, etc.)? Without connecting those silos you can't save lives, reputations and bottom lines, but we can help! ...