All of this TSA stuff on the news is getting a little crazy…it almost seems like the media is looking for passengers who are looking for attention. But once again the lessons learned are clear…at least if we all agree on the primary goal. Hopefully everyone agrees that our main goal is safety and national security, because I don’t know about you, but when I am flying through the clouds at 35,000 feet I do not want the plane to blow up. So if we are all in agreement, then it comes down to human beings – pilots, passengers and security personnel – having situationalRead More →

  General Information Personally Identifiable Information Intelligence Information Industry Information Regulatory Information Legal Information Risk Information Customer Information Emergency Information Competitive Information Etc…. Most people and their organizations would agree they are overwhelmed by information that is spread all over in e-mails, web sites, binders, intranets, etc. BUT, most people and their organizations would also agree they are not overwhelmed by awareness, and more specifically they are not overwhelmed by Situational Awareness. Lessons learned continue to reveal that just having information is not enough.  Most of the highly publicized tragedies and incidents reveal that information in the form of red flags or intelligence or riskRead More →

  According to a recent Washington Post headline, law firms are gearing up for new whistleblower reward program. The new program was included in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act signed by President Obama in July 2009 has created a bounty program that rewards individuals who provide “original information” to the SEC.  The SEC can then award the individual with up to 30 percent of any successful enforcement action that exceeds $1 million. There is no doubt that federal agencies are publicly ramping up  to police illegal corporate activity… future Lessons Learned Blogs will discuss healthcare, education and others. Here are someRead More →