The big question on everyone’s mind after an incident or a tragedy is, will more security help? Let’s take a look at the facts. In 2018 the global physical security market was $84.1 BILLION and projected to grow, and yet there were still over 300 mass shootings in the United States. Security solutions have limitations when it comes to preventing future attacks and tragedies. A major limitation of security is in organizations and situations where you have an open environment which is the case for the majority of schools, organizations (during business hours), and communities in the United States. The Department of Homeland Security recognizedRead More →

With the recent stories out of Ohio State, Baylor, Harvard, Michigan State University, and others it’s clear that institutional failures are an epidemic. Institutional failures are costly, often costing institutions the lives of their people, their reputations, and their bottom lines. The solution to these failures doesn’t involve designating a department, writing a policy or law, or implementing more silo systems. What’s needed is an institution-wide and community-wide solution. Do you have an institution-wide solution (that’s award-winning and proven in institutions across the country) to fix institutional failures? If not, you NEED to contact Awareity today. Looking for more information? Click here or use the formRead More →

Have you ever been involved in a post-incident investigation and found out others were aware of warning signs and red flags BEFORE the incident occurred? Have you seen the headlines after an incident? Data reveals most incidents and tragedies had enough warning signs and red flags recorded before the incident occurred, so why weren’t these tragedies prevented? Hint: It has to do with a Threat Assessment Team’s ability to connect the dots and take action, not just collect warning signs for later. Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information!Read More →

A lot of schools, organizations, and communities are focusing on threat assessment teams (TATs) right now, are you equipping yours for success? In the DHS School Security Guide (2018) they state that “The importance of detecting and addressing concerning behavior, thoughts, or statements cannot be overstated. In fact, preventing violence by detecting and addressing these red flags is more effective than any physical security measure.” Our data supports this fact, does your threat assessment team have the tools to support this fact? Let’s face it, could your surgical team be successful with a plastic knife? Don’t wait, it’s time to give your Threat Assessment TeamRead More →

It was an honor to connect with ITL CEO Wayne Allen on the Innovator’s Edge Podcast! Together we discussed how Awareity’s innovative “Smart Platform” solution is designed with Community-wide Threat Assessment Teams in mind. I also touched on how the Smart Platform equips Threat Assessment Teams to better collect, coordinate and connect warning signs/red flags, empowering organizations and communities to intervene, disrupt, and prevent active shooters and other acts of violence in workplaces, schools, churches, communities, and more. “What we see again and again after these things happen is that we see almost immediately that there were warning signs…and people observed them and in mostRead More →

Are you tasked with keeping students safe but you don’t afford an SRO or more SROs? There’s a better solution for threat assessment teams, watch now! Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information! Real people connecting the dots, who could ask for more?  Read More →

As executives, board members, and leaders you probably have tons of trainings, policies, laws, guidelines, standard, etc. that form the recipes for your leadership and the actions of your employees, students, community members, etc., but do you and your people have the right tools to actually get the job done right? Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information! Real people connecting the dots, who could ask for more?  Read More →

Surgical Teams need the right tools. SWAT Teams need the right tools. Football Teams need the right tools.  To get the best results and the right results, Threat Assessment Teams need the right tools too. Evidence reveals very unfortunate and dangerous gaps with Threat Assessment Teams not having the right tools. According to the DHS/Secret Service report on 28 mass shootings between January and December 2017 from March 2018: Over three-quarters (of perpetrators) made concerning communications and/or elicited concern from others prior to carrying out their attacks. On average, those who did elicit concern caused more harm than those who did not.  In the 28 massRead More →

[Student Safety] Are you ready to transform and improve student safety by PREVENTING school shootings and other incidents? Watch this video. If you want to keep the status quo and keep Responding to them…don’t watch this video. Download an updated school shootings chart to compare your school’s security to others who have had incidents, how is your school any different? Warning Signs: Client Transformations: [inf_infusionsoft_inline optin_id=optin_3]Read More →