Major events, like the Coronavirus (COVID-19), are major problems that can lead to more major problems beyond just the scope of health and health care. HACKERS (the Villains from the Dark Web) see major events (pandemic, sports, elections, natural disasters, etc.) as opportunities to take advantage of fears, emotions, confusion, and curiosity by sending phishing emails or fake emails to trick employees, perhaps even your employees. Recipients (your employees, staff, etc.) are tricked into clicking on web links, opening attachments, or taking actions that could lead to ransomware, viruses, business email compromises, and many other problems. With more of your employees are working from homeRead More →

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing a lot of fear, stress, chaos, and confusion with so many different sources of tips, guidelines, apps, etc. While most leaders are currently involved in lots of meetings discussing the immediate actions (suspensions, cancellations, working remotely, online education, safety, health, etc.), it is just as critical to consider numerous other short-term and long-term problems and liablities that need actions and solutions to address: Awareness & Accountability Liabilities caused by quick short-term decisions (working remotely, online classes, etc.) Compliance with Privacy, Safety, OSHA, etc. Lawsuits from Students, Faculty, Vendors, others Awareness & Accountability With employees working remotely and students accessing onlineRead More →

May I Have Your Attention Please:  All CEOs, CISOs, CFOs, CROs, COOs, CDOs, Superintendents, Deans, Principals, Board Members, Trustees, Mayors, and other leaders too. A paradigm shift is taking place and leaders need to be aware because it involves a legal strategy that attorneys are using to win lawsuits and settlements. The legal strategy involves attorneys filing lawsuits that claim organizations are negligent because they “ignored red flags”. The legal strategy has been very successful and is being copied by private attorneys as well as multiple State Attorneys General and others who are winning lawsuits and settlements using this successfully proven legal strategy. In OpioidRead More →

How many times have you read a headline or story about an incident or tragedy and it mentioned how warning signs and red flags were missed, ignored, or not acted on? How many times have you had an incident at your organization and found out afterward that others were aware of warning signs and red flags before, but you and your team were not aware of them? Even though more than enough warning signs and red flags were observed, leaked, reported, and available before most incidents and tragedies, prevention efforts still failed again and again. Are you asking yourself why and how you can makeRead More →

Who oversees your Threat Assessment Team(s) and prevention – CFO, Risk Management, Legal, CEO, other? No doubt they understand the importance of insurance policies for specific needs (Workers’ Compensation, Property, Errors & Omissions, Directors and Officers, General Liability, etc.). They also know the tremendous value in having an “Umbrella Insurance Policy” to cover the gaps, silos, and disconnects specific insurance policies do not cover, so your organization isn’t open to liabilities, vulnerabilities, and being sued, any of which could destroy your organization’s reputation and bottom line. Investopedia states that the added coverage of an Umbrella Policy (extra liability insurance “is most useful to individuals whoRead More →

Remember Ghostbusters (1984) the movie? The Ghostbusters became heroes when they waged a high-tech battle with the supernatural after they stumbled upon a gateway to another dimension that could release evil upon the city. The Ghostbusters saved the day by zapping the gateway with their high-tech proton packs, blowing up the Marshmallow Man, and eliminating the gateway so evil could no longer enter the city. Ghostbusters, of course, was a movie, however, in the real world today there are many parallels as organizations must zap the gaps that again and again allow acts of evil, incidents, and tragedies to enter their organizations and communities. MovieRead More →

Would you like to prevent (intervene, disrupt, stop) more incidents and tragedies BEFORE they occur? ✓ Have you ever experienced an incident or tragedy and found out afterward that people were aware of red flags and warning signs BEFORE the incident or tragedy occurred? ✓ Eliminate your gaps, silos, and disconnects. Here are the facts… Evidence, research, post-incident reports, lessons learned, headlines, and other data reveals again and again that more than enough red flags and warning signs were observed and reported BEFORE nearly EVERY incident and tragedy.  BUT common gaps, silos, and disconnects kept the red flags and warning signs from being collected, shared,Read More →

Another horrific massacre at a workplace by a disgruntled employee. Unfortunately, most responses after attacks and massacres are just more words, condolences, and thoughts and prayers. But people want more than words. People (employees, management, family, friends, politicians, and others) around the world are calling for real solutions (actions, not more words) that stop disgruntled employees or other attackers from attacking people at their workplace. Solutions that stop students from attacking people at their schools. Solutions that stop evil doers from attacking people at concerts, houses of worship, in neighborhoods, and numerous other places. Sadly, people continually call for lawmakers to create more laws (moreRead More →

Preventive Intelligence is the Real Game Changer Everyone Wants (and NEEDS) Most people have heard about Artificial Intelligence, but have you heard about Preventive Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a lot of headlines and hype, however, the recently released book, Architects of Intelligence noted that most Artificial Intelligence experts say it could be 10, 30, 80 years, or more before Artificial Intelligence delivers artificial general intelligence. When it comes to active assailants, active shooters, terrorists, extremists, and numerous other evil doers, waiting years and years for Artificial Intelligence is clearly not an option we can afford. Preventive Intelligence, however, is real and making organizationsRead More →

Awareity is honored to be a winner of the Security Sales & Integration Magazine 2019 SSI MVP Award. Our proven, and award-winning Connecting the Dots Platform for Intervention and Prevention won a top spot and recognition in the category of “Central Station/Monitoring” as well as a finalist position in the category of “Business Operations”. Security Sales & Integration Magazine Most Valuable Product (MVP) Awards, honor superior products and services for electronic security industry professionals. The MVP Awards recognize superlative security products that make a substantial impact on integrators. “Each year, thousands of electronic security products are introduced. SSI has launched the MVP Awards to distinguish andRead More →