General Information Personally Identifiable Information Intelligence Information Industry Information Regulatory Information Legal Information Risk Information Customer Information Emergency Information Competitive Information Etc…. Most people and their organizations would agree they are overwhelmed by information that is spread all over in e-mails, web sites, binders, intranets, etc. BUT, most people and their organizations would also agree they are not overwhelmed by awareness, and more specifically they are not overwhelmed by Situational Awareness. Lessons learned continue to reveal that just having information is not enough.  Most of the highly publicized tragedies and incidents reveal that information in the form of red flags or intelligence or riskRead More →

  November 17, 2010 6:00 PM 1240 AM KFOR Lincoln, NE Awareity is proud to announce that Rick Shaw, President and CEO, will be featured in an interview on November 17 discussing his experiences as an entrepreneur, what led him to Awareity and how lessons learned continue to play a role in developing new services and solutions. The Pursuit of Success is a local radio show sponsored by Leadership Resources and Waddell and Reed Financial Advisors showcasing regional entrepreneurs, business and community leaders, sharing key ideas of success designed to help other become more successful while making an impact in their company and community. TheRead More →

  As we see in the news on almost a daily basis, bullying and cyber bullying are major challenges for students, school leaders and communities.  The bullying school officials see is only the tip of the iceberg and only a small part of serious and escalating challenges.   Lessons learned clearly show that most shipwrecks occur because the ship’s captain can only see the tip of the iceberg and not the entire iceberg.  School and community leaders must realize they are the ship captains and bullying can lead to: Loneliness Low Self-Esteem Depression Anxiety Suicide Aggression Weapons Violence Revenge Crime Vandalism Sexting Alcohol/Drug Abuse Declining GradesRead More →