I have attended several threat management and risk management seminars this year, and it seems like many of the speakers and experts have fallen under the spell of “super-should-a-docious”. Many of the speakers and experts continue to express “You should do this” and “Your people should do that” or “You should implement best practices” and “Your people should know this/that” and on and on. And at the seminars and conferences I have been attending, I sense that attendees  are starting to get tired of the same old “should” dance and would rather hear about solutions that allow them to implement all the “shoulds”.  It’sRead More →

  Raymond J. McNulty, president of the International Center for Leadership in Education discusses that in order to see real change in our schools and move the needle on closing the achievement gap, school leaders need to try some things that aren’t “proven.”  Organizations need to experiment with “next practices” not best practices that have been researched and proven. Lessons Learned:  As Einstein said long ago, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  Lessons learned have clearly shown that schools need to replace traditional and status quo methodologies with new and innovative tools to help improve student achievement,Read More →