As the new school year begins and already we see tragic stories of bullying, suicide and violence emerge throughout school systems and communities; Nodaway Valley Community School District in Iowa is focusing on prevention. Nodaway Valley CSD is implementing Awareity’s proven and multi-award-winning TIPS (Threat assessment, Incident management & Prevention Services) prevention platform to help improve school communications, raise awareness and improve student safety. TIPS is an innovative solution equipping students, teachers, staff, parents and community members to anonymously report bullying, cyber bullying, weapons, abuse, vandalism, suicide risks and other concerning behaviors. It is impossible for a school to prevent something they don’t know about.Read More →

Awareity is excited to announce that The Handbook for School Safety and Security, written by Lawrence J. Fennelly and Marianna A. Perry has been released! Awareity’s President, Rick Shaw, authored and contributed Chapter 7: Prevention and Student Safety for K-12, providing an overview of how K-12 schools can better focus on PREVENTION efforts and strategies, rather than the last resort of REACTING to an incident or tragedy at their school. School security is one of the most pressing public concerns today. Yet in most schools, there is little security expertise or detailed knowledge about how to implement and manage a security program. The Handbook forRead More →

With 74 school shootings since Sandy Hook, school safety is and must continue to be a priority as we plan for next year. Bulletproof backpacks, door locks, cameras, and other security tools are being promoted, and while these tools can be useful in the event of an attack, a more proactive and inexpensive solution will be staring back at you in your classroom. Your students’ eyes and ears can be the most valuable tool you have to keep your school safe. For full article: More →

August 1, 2014 — Awareity’s TIPS Prevention Platform has been selected as a favorite ed-tech product and solution in eSchool News’ annual Readers’ Choice Award program. School leaders are asked to nominate their favorite products and explain how they are using these products to improve teaching, learning, or school administration—and to what effect. Awareity’s TIPS (Threat Assessment, Incident Management and Prevention Services) is an innovative platform of web-based tools designed to empower students, parents, teachers and staff to confidentially and anonymously report potentially harmful student safety concerns, including bullying, weapons, drug/alcohol use, gangs, harassment or intimidation, vandalism, physical/sexual assaults, threats of violence, suicide risk, abuseRead More →