Connecting the dots with Cyber Security failures…Why are so many Cyber Security failures occurring? The data doesn’t lie.  The 2018 Global State of Information Security Survey from PwC surveyed 9,500 executives across 120 countries which helps explain why so many organizations and failing to prevent Cyber Security incidents: 48% of the 9,500 executives said they do not have an employee security awareness training program 54% of the 9,500 executives said they do not have an incident response process The Equifax breach exposed why PATCHING systems is critical and costly if you fail. (see VIDEO here) I also shared the DAM Analogy for why PATCHING yourRead More →

I have seen multiple e-mail Subject Lines, Webinars, and articles eluding to a similar topic “The easiest/best way to prepare for an active shooter incident…” Is this really what your people in your organization or your community want? Do your people really want to “prepare for an active shooter incident”? I doubt it!  To see for yourself, ask your people the following question: Would you rather prevent an active shooter or react to an active shooter? I ask this question all the time when I speak and every time 100% of people raise their hand that they would rather prevent an active shooter… not prepare forRead More →

ONGOING PATCHING is one of the BEST ways to prevent expensive and embarrassing information security breaches. Equifax failed to PATCH a server and it led to 143 million of Americans (perhaps even you and me) having their sensitive information exposed to cybercriminals. Two top Equifax IT executives have stepped down (and were called out by name in negative headlines) because they failed to make sure the ONGOING PATCHING of their servers took place in a timely manner to prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information. Equifax is just one of thousands of organizations that have failed to make sure ONGOING PATCHING is takingRead More →

Disruptive and Tragic Violence incidents are on the increase. Violence is scary, stressful, ugly, concerning, sad, evil, expensive, frustrating, disruptive, and tragic. Disruptive and tragic violence threatens innocent children and adults in schools, colleges, organizations, government, and communities every day… and all over the world. Do you need more security? How much security is enough? What else can we do? The questions above are part of a special guide recently released by Awareity to help you answer these questions and others too. As pre-season football is winding down, the “real season” is about to begin and to have a successful season football teams are practicingRead More →

Yes, there are stupid questions. Even though our teachers told us there are no stupid questions, there is at least one. Is this Terrorism or Not Terrorism?? Ok, two stupid questions… Is this a Hate Crime or Not a Hate Crime?? It is time for politicians, mainstream media, law enforcement, and others to stop with the political correctness. When someone intentionally tries to run over people with a vehicle, knife and stab people, shoot people, murder people, bully people, harass people, abuse people, attack people, use violent rhetoric to incite people, and more… …These are acts of Evil. Acts of evil are committed by evil people.Read More →

If it is possible to “connect the dots” AFTER attacks, why can’t organizations and communities “connect the dots” BEFORE attacks to intervene and prevent? They can and they are! (If they are equipped to do so.) Research-based data and practice-based data overwhelmingly proves PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE. Headlines like these appear almost immediately after tragedies: Supermarket massacre shooter left chilling online trail (article) Orlando shooting: ‘Disgruntled’ ex-employee had planned shooting, investigators say (article) AP Newsbreak: UPS gunman had filed overtime grievance (article) Friend reported suspected attacker to anti-terror hotline (article) On the FBI’s Radar: Shooter had been investigated before (article) The DOTS are out there. PreventionRead More →

I am not a fan of watching or listening to TV news, however, after the recent attacks in England, I was interested to see how TV news was covering the attacks.  Buried in their biased views with the news, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a common thread emerge – TV anchors were asking their go to security experts the following question: How do we start preventing and getting ahead of these attacks/attackers? This is a great question, and a question everyone should be asking their organization and community leaders.  Terrorism, community violence, campus violence, workplace violence, cyber-attacks, ransomware, acts of evil, and numerous otherRead More →

You can’t prevent hackers and hacker threats, but you can prevent breaches like this! When you fail to apply the latest patches to your Systems, and when you fail to update People about new threats…you create GAPS for hackers. Hackers are like cockroaches… they only need one small GAP and they are in your Systems! Applying System patches to eliminate vulnerabilities and GAPS is not that difficult, however, it takes discipline to make System patches a priority and it requires ongoing awareness to know when System patches are available to be applied. WannaCry is an expensive and embarrassing lesson learned (a global lesson learned) forRead More →

Dangerous GAPS Evidence from hundreds of post-incident reports reveal almost every organization and community has a myriad of common GAPS and dangerous GAPS. At-Risk Individuals Evidence reveals almost every organization and/or community has at-risk individuals who could commit numerous types of disruptive incidents involving people, information, organizations, and communities. Disruptive Incidents Evidence reveals alarming trends involving numerous types of disruptive incidents including terrorism, homicides, workplace violence, gang violence, drugs, crimes, sexual assaults, human trafficking, suicides, and numerous others. Dangerous GAPS and Disruptive Incidents Unless (and until) dangerous GAPS are eliminated, disruptive incidents, tragedies, and numerous other unwanted, embarrassing, and costly consequences will be difficult ifRead More →