It was an honor to connect with ITL CEO Wayne Allen on the Innovator’s Edge Podcast! Together we discussed how Awareity’s innovative “Smart Platform” solution is designed with Community-wide Threat Assessment Teams in mind. I also touched on how the Smart Platform equips Threat Assessment Teams to better collect, coordinate and connect warning signs/red flags, empowering organizations and communities to intervene, disrupt, and prevent active shooters and other acts of violence in workplaces, schools, churches, communities, and more. “What we see again and again after these things happen is that we see almost immediately that there were warning signs…and people observed them and in mostRead More →

Are you tasked with keeping students safe but you don’t afford an SRO or more SROs? There’s a better solution for threat assessment teams, watch now! Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information! Real people connecting the dots, who could ask for more?  Read More →

As executives, board members, and leaders you probably have tons of trainings, policies, laws, guidelines, standard, etc. that form the recipes for your leadership and the actions of your employees, students, community members, etc., but do you and your people have the right tools to actually get the job done right? Looking for more information? Click here or use the form to your right to reach out and we’ll be in touch with more information! Real people connecting the dots, who could ask for more?  Read More →

Warning Signs are often seen outside of your organization or school, however, they play a vital role in your intervention and prevention efforts. Are you equipped to collect and assess Warning Signs from social media so you can see the bigger picture and intervene BEFORE incidents occur? Awareity’s “Smart” Platform allows you to collect warning signs from all over your community, including social media, and then automatically delivers them to the right team of people so they can take the right actions to intervene and prevent incidents before they happen. We don’t have to keep seeing headlines like these…take action today! More Warning Signs:Read More →

Surgical Teams need the right tools. SWAT Teams need the right tools. Football Teams need the right tools.  To get the best results and the right results, Threat Assessment Teams need the right tools too. Evidence reveals very unfortunate and dangerous gaps with Threat Assessment Teams not having the right tools. According to the DHS/Secret Service report on 28 mass shootings between January and December 2017 from March 2018: Over three-quarters (of perpetrators) made concerning communications and/or elicited concern from others prior to carrying out their attacks. On average, those who did elicit concern caused more harm than those who did not.  In the 28 massRead More →

2019 includes the one-year anniversary of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre and the 20-year anniversary of Columbine High School massacre… and unfortunately way too many other anniversaries of massacres and other violence in schools. What has changed since these massacres?  What hasn’t changed? Why, even with all the data and “solutions” are we not preventing more massacres, violence, and other tragedies in schools? Do you know what the Columbine High School post-incident report and the Marjory Stoneman Douglas post-incident report have in common? Do you know what the Department of Homeland Security recommends in their guide: 12 School Security Guide for Preventing and ProtectingRead More →

How is your school (SRO, student conduct systems, etc.), university (campus police, counselors, etc.), or organization (security, HR systems, etc.) connecting #WarningSigns with community resources (local police, mental health, court systems, parole status, etc.)? Without connecting those silos you can’t save lives, reputations and bottom lines, but we can help! More Warning Signs:Read More →

How Important is Having the RIGHT Tools?? The Super-Duper Football game is coming up this weekend and everyone’s talking about who is the better team, but what if the Patriots or the Rams showed up for kickoff and one of the teams didn’t have helmets, pads, and cleated shoes?  No matter how good the team members are and no matter how well they trained, the team with the right tools would win.  The same goes with preventing incidents before they happen, if you do not have the right tools, you will lose. What if you needed heart surgery, and you had a choice between twoRead More →

While it’s important to understand the #WarningSigns of violent behavior, the post-event data shows that schools, organizations, and communities like yours still need a way to connect the dots in order to PREVENT tragedies, are you ready to PREVENT? We can help! More Warning Signs:Read More →