The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health recently fined the Children’s Hospital in Oakland for allegedly failing to protect workers from violence in the emergency department.  The hospital was penalized for “having an ineffective training program, incomplete and inadequate procedures to deal with safety concerns, and an incomplete and untimely hazard correction for workplace violence exposures in the emergency department.” Lessons Learned: The first lesson learned is obvious…organizations must have a comprehensive workplace violence program in place and ensure that all staff has been adequately trained on how to prevent and respond to incidents of violence, identify red flags and report all threats,Read More →

  A new study revealed an enormous patient safety gap – up to 90 percent of patient injuries, infections and other safety issues are not being recorded.   What does this mean for hospitals?  What does this mean for patients?  What does this mean for regulators? Lessons Learned:  Hospitals face serious patient safety and patient quality challenges and the key to improving patient safety will be their People – management, nurses, doctors, staff, partners, business associates, etc.  Hospitals must ensure every individual has situational awareness and accountability for better decision making and a comprehensive incident reporting and incident management platform will be critical to get theRead More →

  Despite stricter privacy and security regulations, hospitals are struggling to protect patient information.  According to a recent Ponemon Study, breaches are costing the health care industry $6 billion annually. The top three causes of breaches: Unintentional employee action Lost or stolen computing devices Third-party accidents   Lessons Learned:  Failure to protect sensitive and personally identifiable information is expensive and damaging to a health care organization’s reputation.  Organizations need to complement their general awareness with ongoing situational awareness programs to ensure all employees (and third-parties) understand their individual roles and responsibilities for protecting sensitive patient information.  With mounting regulatory changes and the move to electronicRead More →