I saw a discussion last week that was asking for input on ways to reduce employee risk.  Most of the responses offered a technology solution…which is interesting considering most studies and trends show employee risks and weaknesses are getting worse and more alarming even though organizations have spent thousands, millions and billions on technology solutions.  Does this seem weird to you? One of the responses from one of the participants caught my attention when they said “it is difficult to patch a user”. Interesting comment and I responded by saying it is NOT THAT DIFFICULT to patch users/employees….IF you are using the right resources.Read More →

  May 17, 2011 is National Cyber Awareness day, as well as the release day for The Parent’s Guide to Texting, Facebook, and Social Media: Understanding the Benefits and Dangers of Parenting in a Digital World.  Awareity is proud to be a supporting launch partner for this excellent resource for parents. Has your child ever been the victim of cyberbullying? If not, the odds are pretty high that one day he or she will be. The sad fact is 50% of teens admit to being bullied online or by text message. Today’s youth are falling victim to the perils of social media and cell phone messaging.Read More →