Lessons Learned Review…Keeping You Out of the Headlines and out of this blog…
Please take a moment to consider how these Lessons Learned could be implemented by managers within your organization to avoid expensive and embarrassing situations…
A recent survey revealed that although most small retailers feel somewhat familiar with PCI-DSS and also understand the importance of security, most small retailers express frustration with understanding, implementing and paying for compliance.
Has your organization met compliance requirements? Is your data secure?
Schools are Given New Flu Guidelines
The federal government released new guidelines as schools across the U.S. prepare for the new school year and brace for the H1N1 virus.
Is your organization prepared?
The homepages of several members of the House of Representatives were hacked and defaced with digital graffiti earlier this month. The breaches were the result of passwords assigned by the vendor to member offices that were never changed.
Are you using default passwords?
Lessons Learned are extremely valuable and must be implemented on an ongoing basis to ensure ongoing success and ongoing CYA! For more information on implementing lessons learned click here.