It’s time to take action on real prevention.
Since 2001, Rick has been researching post-incident reports, lawsuits, and lessons learned, and has been sharing those insights since then. Are you ready to listen?
In 2009 with the Swine Flu (H1N1) pandemic Rick reflected on the United States declaring a state of “Emergency of Preparedness”. From a trusted Prevention Specialist’s point of view, were we ready? Read more to find out.
In the 11 years since then, have we learned anything? Are we any closer to being prepared to PREVENT incidents and tragedies? When you look at where we are today, it’s hard to make the argument that we have.
In 2015 shortly after the tragedy at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR, everyone was calling for solutions, but a proven solution had already been in place at other schools across the United States. Rick wrote about this proven community-based solution then, and it still stands true. Read more about what he outlined in 2015.
After hearing about the community-wide solution at an ATAP meeting, Sarpy County (Nebraska) knew the community-wide solution was the only way to go. In 2016, Rick helped Sarpy County take the lead in Community-driven, Community-wide, and Community-based solutions. In 2019 ASIS featured Sarpy County in a case study, read about the impressive successes here.
After researching, writing, sharing, and implementing for nearly 20 years, Rick is finally putting the knowledge into a book, The First Preventers Playbook, coming in Fall 2020, but you don’t have to wait until then…are you ready to be an early adopter to get ahead of the curve?
Schedule time to connect and talk with Rick today!