Next Generation Challenges are Not Going Away…
Click here to download Awareity’s Next Generation Survival Guide for Superintendents, School Board Members and Educators to learn how you can take action today!
Every day more children’s lives are ruined and lost. Sweeping and pervasive media coverage of bullying, cyber bullying, suicides, sexual violence, human trafficking, gangs, stabbings, shootings and other violence in schools and colleges provide a constant reminder of the need for solutions.
After nearly every school related incident, lawsuit or tragedy, post-incident reports are released to explain what happened, what went wrong and suggestions on how to prevent the incident or tragedy from happening again. These post-incident reports identify gaps and disconnects, but many school officials do not have time to read hundreds of post-incident reports and effectively implement the lessons learned.
Evidence-based data shows most (if not all) incidents and tragedies were preventable. Pre-incident indicators existed and one or more people were aware of the warning signs. The post-incident reports also reveal what didn’t happen…the right information (pre-incident indicators) did not get to the right people (trained threat assessment, safety and prevention teams) in the right places (departments, buildings, teams, etc.) at the right time so they could do the right things to intervene and proactively prevent right away.
You can be the one that changes everything for your students.