First Preventers believe:

  • Safety is different than Security
  • Pre-Incident Prevention is far safer than Incident Response
  • In connecting dots/silos before tragedies rather than after tragedies
  • Silos are the most common and dangerous cause of failed pre-incident preventions
  • Security solutions do not solve dangerous, common silos problems/failures
  • The current state of things – status quo – is not good enough or safe enough
  • Children shouldn’t graduate from school/college with PTSD
  • Teachers/Faculty shouldn’t retire from school/college with PTSD
  • Return on Prevention is a life-time of returns, much better than Return on Regret
  • In the Butterfly Effect, one small thing can lead to saving lives, futures, and more
  • The best thing we can do for First Responders is prevent incidents before they happen
  • Soaring numbers of at-risk individuals require different strategies and tools to help them
  • Learning at the highest level is not possible in a state of fear and distrust
  • Anyone can be a First Preventer
  • First Preventers far outnumber evildoers, so disrupting evil is possible
  • Feeling safer in schools, workplaces, and communities is a First Preventers team effort
  • Laws are needed, but clearly not the solution for safer organizations and communities

First Preventers agree enough is enough after 25+ years of hearing thoughts and prayers after school shootings that have continued to rise to record levels.

First Preventers agree status quo is not good enough as school violence, workplace violence, domestic violence, hate, human trafficking, suicides, sex abuse, bullying, drugs, and numerous other incidents continue to increase.

First Preventers include everyone, where everyone is empowered and equipped to do their part in delivering better safety, pre-incident prevention results, and a different and safer future from what we are seeing today.

Are you ready to join the First Preventers movement?  To learn more about uniting First Preventers in your organization and community, schedule a meeting today… waiting is not going to deliver the results you and your people deserve.