Dangerous SILOS and other barriers are old, long-term, recurring, and expensive problems in need of a new and different category of solutions to prevent more incidents before they occur and to deliver better safety as violence hits record levels.

At Awareity, our mission is moving people, organizations, and communities beyond security to a different and safer future by utilizing a different category of solutions.

FAILED PREVENTIONS are responsible for thousands of innocent lives being lost, futures being ruined, millions of dollars in knee-jerk product acquisitions (that are not prevention focused), and millions of dollars in liabilities, lawsuits, and settlements.

Research and post-incident reports expose most FAILED PREVENTIONS are due to common and dangerous SILOS (information, people, systems, teams, etc.) that are not being connected using conventional solutions, guidelines, trainings, and manual efforts.

Quick question… how many times have you responded to an incident (or read about an incident) only to find out there were other SILOS (people, departments, locations, organizations, systems, etc.) with pre-incident indicators that could have and should have been utilized to intervene, disrupt, and prevent BEFORE the incident occurred?

Every day and all the time are answers I hear often in response to this question. Incidents like these are “warning signs and red flags” for leaders of organizations and communities that dangerous silos exist and need a different category of solution to connect them.

If your own near misses are not enough of a reason to implement this different category of solutions, Pre-Incident Prevention and First Preventers software, see examples below from 20+ years of prevention failures caused by SILOS and other barriers.

If you prefer feedback from colleagues who are early adopters of Pre-Incident Prevention and First Preventers software, you can review their comments on how they are creating radically different results and improving safety, trust, accountability, responsibility, sustainability, CYA, and much more.  https://www.awareity.com/transformations/

There are thousands of examples of dangerous SILOS validating why Awareity’s different category of Pre-Incident Prevention and First Preventers software is critically needed, see some of the examples below:

K-12 School Shootings & 9/11

Community Violence


  • 50,000+ Suicides in 2023 and 80% Had Pre-Incident Warning Signs that were not utilized to intervene and disrupt because the organization and community did not have software to collect the warning signs from all the incident reporting silos and Source siloes so all of the siloed Resources could see them and connect them with other information and indicators to see the bigger picture and take timely and appropriate Pre-Incident Prevention actions.  Many were PREVENTABLE if silos were connected. https://samfound.org/suicide-info/risk-factors-warning-signs

Sexual Abuse

Every 9 minutes government authorities respond to another report of child sexual abuse and 93% of victims know their perpetrator. Many were/are PREVENTABLE if silos connected.

Domestic Violence/Familicide
