Would you rather detect cancer (and shooters) at Stage 4 or Stage 1?
Detecting cancer at early stages increases your risk of surviving cancer. For example, Stage 1 means the cancer is localized to a small area and hasn’t spread to lymph nodes or other tissues. Stage 2 means the cancer has grown, but it hasn’t spread. Stage 3 means the cancer has grown larger and has possibly spread to lymph nodes or other tissues. Stage 4 means the cancer has spread to other organs or areas of your body.
What about potential shooters in your school, workplace, or community, would you rather detect them at Stage 4 or Stage 1?
The pathway to violence is a well-documented pathway where an at-risk individual progresses through multiple behavioral stages over a period of time before escalating to the point of executing their plan or attack. Stage 1 is often referred to as the grievance and ideation stage. Stage 2 is often referred to as the planning stage. Stage 3 is often referred to as the preparation stage. Stage 4 is often referred to as the plan execution stage.
Ask your people (students, employees, management, board, family, friends, etc.) and most would much rather detect a potential shooter at Stage 1 or 2 or 3 because too many things can go wrong during the execution or attack in Stage 4. It is important to realize this about Stage 4 too, even if no one is hurt/killed, the stressors of lockdowns, armed law enforcement rushing in, fear of losing lives and/or never seeing family again, and numerous other traumatic situations can have long-term impacts on those who were directly and even indirectly involved.
The benefits of detecting a potential shooter at Stage 1, 2, or 3 and intervening before Stage 4 are enormous, sadly most organizations and their people and resources are not equipped and not empowered to be successful at detecting potential shooters during Stages 1, 2, or 3.
Schools, higher education, workplaces, and communities are spending thousands and even millions of dollars on software for security cameras and other devices to detect gunshots and detect guns during Stage 4 when the at-risk individual has already showed up at your front door to execute their plan of attack. What is missing and clearly needed is software and strategies to detect at-risk individuals at Stages 1, 2, and 3 on a pathway to violence – which becomes a Pathway to Pre-Incident Prevention.
Forward-looking early detection software and strategies do exist and early adopters of Awareity’s software know this proven solution costs far less (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure) than Stage 4 options and is critical to identifying and detecting at-risk individuals in their early stages of escalation (Stages 1, 2, 3). Detecting at-risk individuals in early stages is a game-changer and a life-changer when people (First Preventers) are empowered to help, intervene, and disrupt at-risk individuals before they escalate to Stage 4 to execute their plan of attack.
Awareity’s software is research-driven, multifaceted, and a proven suite of digital tools that empowers people to be sources (think of people as walking, talking, social media cameras vs. stationary security cameras) and also empowers resources (threat assessment teams, mental health, social workers, employees, and numerous other internal and external resources) to take Pre-Incident Prevention actions. Awareity’s software eliminates blind spots so resources can see the bigger picture with soaring numbers of at-risk individuals who need help, intervention, and disruption during early stages of their escalations.
To learn more about Awareity’s software and strategies and to learn more about how early adopters are achieving impressive results in identifying and helping at-risk individuals before they escalate to Stage 4, fill out the form below to set up a meeting. The earlier you set up the meeting, the earlier you will see results with early detection and making your organization and community safer for everyone.