If you were aware of a proven solution that is currently helping communities, schools, and workplaces to stop shootings, violence, suicides, and numerous other unwanted and costly tragedies BEFORE they can occur… would you tell other people about it or keep it to yourself?
I am passionate about helping other people and I want to help anyone reading this blog.
For me, I want to tell other people and help you be a CHAMPION so we can start saving more lives, futures, millions of dollars, reputations, and more. This blog is me telling others about solutions that work and hoping you and others who are also motivated to do good things will join me in this critically needed effort.
When we help leaders of communities, schools, and workplaces become aware of what is possible, then they can help students, employees, and community members. When students, employees, and community members are equipped to help others, then we can start helping soaring numbers of at-risk individuals to be identified, helped, and prevented BEFORE acting out on their hatred, despair, loneliness, addictions, and other grievances that take them on a pathway to violence rather than a pathway to prevention.
If you want to be a CHAMPION, contact me and let’s connect. We can be force multipliers and make a difference by helping others get passed their biases and their status quo thinking so we can start working together as First Preventers and making communities, schools, and workplaces safer for everyone.
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