Hackers and breaches create huge costs and unwanted consequences, but most were preventable.
Hackers – cyber criminals, corporate espionage, state-backed countries, insiders, ex-employees, and others want your organization’s information or your money.
Every day hackers are successfully breaching organizations, taking advantage of gaps, and then taking the organization’s proprietary information or holding the organization’s information for ransom.
Hackers are like cockroaches; they will enter wherever gaps exist. Hackers are successful because PEOPLE (employees, contractors, third-party service providers, vendors, remote workers, etc.) lack ongoing awareness about the latest phishing, business email compromise, and ransomware attacks, creating a gap for hackers. It only takes one gap, one unaware person and the cockroaches are in.
However, when you eliminate the gaps, hackers will go elsewhere… just like cockroaches go elsewhere.
If you are curious how you can eliminate gaps by improving ongoing awareness with a successfully proven all-in-one Platform delivering information security, phishing, scams, business email compromise, malware, mobile devices, remote workers, compliance, audits, policy management, information sharing, and more… use the form on the right to contact Awareity before you let the cockroaches get in!