- Would you like to prevent (intervene, disrupt, stop) more incidents and tragedies BEFORE they occur? ✓
- Have you ever experienced an incident or tragedy and found out afterward that people were aware of red flags and warning signs BEFORE the incident or tragedy occurred? ✓
Eliminate your gaps, silos, and disconnects.
Here are the facts… Evidence, research, post-incident reports, lessons learned, headlines, and other data reveals again and again that more than enough red flags and warning signs were observed and reported BEFORE nearly EVERY incident and tragedy. BUT common gaps, silos, and disconnects kept the red flags and warning signs from being collected, shared, connected, and acted upon by the right people at the right times to intervene, disrupt, and prevent incidents and tragedies. Sound familiar?
More facts… Evidence exposes the same common gaps, silos, and disconnects were responsible for failures to act on red flags and warning signs to prevent Columbine (1999) and September 11 (2001). Sadly, the same common gaps, silos, and disconnects still existed with Virginia Tech (2007), Fort Hood (2009 and 2014), Sandy Hook (2012), Pulse Night Club (2016), Parkland (2018), and thousands of other shootings, acts of violence, acts of abuse, suicides, overdoses, and numerous other incidents and tragedies that occur nearly every day.
To prevent more incidents and tragedies, organizations of all types and communities of all sizes must work together to immediately:
- Eliminate common and dangerous Gaps
- Eliminate common and dangerous Silos
- Eliminate common and dangerous Disconnects
More facts… “Common Solutions” like the ones below are NOT effective and NOT designed to eliminate the common gaps, silos, and disconnects:
Security Cameras | No |
Security Guards | No |
Armed Guards/Personnel | No |
Locks & Access Products | No |
Alarms & Panic Buttons | No |
Mass Notification Systems | No |
Incident Reporting Options | No |
Threat Assessment Teams | No |
Hundreds of New Laws | No |
Case Management Systems | No |
Emergency Plans | No |
Crisis Response Teams | No |
Eliminating common and dangerous gaps, silos, and disconnects requires new strategies and solutions that are designed specifically to eliminate known gaps, silos, and disconnects in all stages of preventing.
Review the 6 Stages of Preventing here >
Evidence is overwhelming that common and dangerous gaps, silos, and disconnects exist with collecting, sharing, and connecting the red flags and warning signs as well as with ongoing investigations, assessments (threat, behavior, mental health, etc.), interventions, monitoring, disrupting, collaborations, and numerous other intervention, disruption, and prevention efforts and actions.
Eliminating your common and dangerous gaps, silos, and disconnects is the best and only way to STOP incidents and tragedies BEFORE they occur.
DHS, the Federal Commission on Safe Schools, US Secret Service, and FBI have all cited that red flags almost always exist and identifying and acting on red flags is more effective at preventing incidents and tragedies than any security measure.
“The importance of detecting and addressing concerning behavior, thoughts, or statements cannot be overstated. In fact, preventing violence by detecting and addressing these red flags is more effective than any physical security measure.” –DHS 2018 School Safety Guide
Are you ready to start eliminating your dangerous gaps, silos, and disconnects and preventing more incidents and tragedies, reach out and connect with us today!