How Important is Having the RIGHT Tools??
The Super-Duper Football game is coming up this weekend and everyone’s talking about who is the better team, but what if the Patriots or the Rams showed up for kickoff and one of the teams didn’t have helmets, pads, and cleated shoes? No matter how good the team members are and no matter how well they trained, the team with the right tools would win. The same goes with preventing incidents before they happen, if you do not have the right tools, you will lose.
What if you needed heart surgery, and you had a choice between two well-educated and well-trained surgeons, but one surgeon had the right tools and the other surgeon had a plastic knife and a band-aid? Of course, you and everyone else would choose the surgeon with the right tools.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a sports team, a surgeon, or someone baking a cake… without the right tools, the results will not be good.
When it comes to preventing violence and acts of evil, the results have not been good either.
These results have left lots of people asking questions like:
- How do we prevent the next school shooting?
- How do we prevent the next mass shooting?
- How do we prevent the next workplace violence attack?
- How do we prevent the next nurse violence attack?
- How do we prevent the next suicide?
- How do we prevent more community violence incidents?
To get better results in preventing the next incident in schools, organizations, and communities, you need the right tools… more specifically the right tools for preventing.
Everyone has experienced near-misses, and even tragedies, where they responded to an incident and found out others were aware of warning signs BEFORE the incident or tragedy occurred, you hear about these cases in the news and in post-incident reports.
After researching hundreds and hundreds of these post-incident reports (after shootings, workplace violence attacks, nurse attacks, suicides, community violence, etc.), the missing link in nearly every post-incident report was clear – the school, organization, and/or community did not have the right tools to eliminate the common silos, disconnects, and gaps to collect, assess, and connect the warning signs that were observed and recorded BEFORE the incident occurred. What’s more, they didn’t have the right tools to connect the right information with the right people and resources automatically so the right actions could be taken BEFORE the incident occurred.
So back to the Super-Duper football game and surgeon analogies… do you have the right tools to prevent, to save lives, to save reputations, and to save your bottom line by preventing incidents, attacks, and tragedies in your organization and/or community BEFORE they occur?
If you’re ready to find out where you stand, request more information today!