Data is powerful and a valuable asset for organizations.
Data can make organizations leaders in their industry.
Data is the best way, and arguably the only way, to prevent unwanted, embarrassing and expensive incidents, tragedies and liabilities. Simply put…you cannot prevent things you don’t know about it.
Based on overwhelming data from lessons learned, evidence and extensive research; threat assessment teams (TAT) need a lot more data, more specifically community-based threat assessment teams need more community-based data, to proactively and effectively PREVENT incidents, lawsuits, tragedies and liabilities.
Everyone agrees preventing an incident or tragedy is far better than reacting to an incident or tragedy.
To prove it…ask a group of people if they prefer preventing an active shooter from being in their organization or coming face-to-face with an active shooter and being forced to react…and everyone always prefers preventing. Because 100% of people agree preventing is better, getting approvals and justifications for a community-based prevention platform can be simple and fast.
Data also reveals preventing is less expensive, less embarrassing, less damaging, less traumatic and more rewarding than reacting, making excuses, dealing with media scrutiny and facing soaring liabilities.
People deserve prevention (employees, customers, patients, students, third-party service providers and community members) and organizations are obligated under duty of care responsibilities to prevent…so it makes sense for organizations and their threat assessment teams to improve their prevention capabilities as quickly as possible.
Connecting the (DATA) dots…
Data exposes numerous gaps and dangerous disconnects in failed prevention efforts.
Data also reveals what the solution should look like!
Data reveals time and time again how concerning behaviors, incident reports, suspicious activities, pre-incident indicators, etc. existed in the COMMUNITY. Data from hundreds of post-event reports almost always reveal one or more individuals observed and even reported pre-incident indicators (data), but even though the indicators and data existed…intervention and prevention efforts still failed.
Time and time again the pre-incident indicators (data) were not collected in a community-based central secure prevention platform, which means the right people did not have access to the right data at the right time so they could do the right things before the incident or tragedy played out. They did not have access because in most organizations a community-based central secure prevention platform does not exist. If a community-based prevention platform would have existed, the data could have been securely shared and securely accessed in real time by a multi-disciplinary community-based threat assessment team who could have assessed the data, connected the data with community resources, intervened and pro-actively PREVENTED preventable incidents, lawsuits and tragedies.
Lots of Community-based DATA Sources Exist
Numerous community-based data sources exist, one key is equipping ALL sources with easy to access, secure, confidential and/or anonymous online tools to report data they observe (at-risk individuals, concerning behaviors, suspicious activities, social media comments, threats, incidents, etc.) and then the observations must be automatically and immediately routed to the right community-based threat assessment team (TAT) members.
Some of the numerous community-based data sources include:
• Employees / Staff
• At-Risk Individuals (Aggressors, Victims, etc.)
• Customers / Patients
• Schools / Colleges / Students
• Family Members
• Vendors / Contractors
• Third-Party Service Providers
• Legal
• Law Enforcement
• Hospitals
• Mental Health
• Public Safety
• Juvenile Courts
• Truancy Officers
• Task Forces
• Local / State Government Agencies
• Religious Groups
• Community Associations
• Community Members and others…
Data reveals most organizations (and communities) DO NOT have a community-based central secure prevention platform to collect data from the above list of sources and others community-wide, creating significant gaps and dangerous disconnects.
Without a community-based central secure prevention platform, organization-based threat assessment teams are severely limited because department-based and organization-based systems (incident reporting system, case management system, employee records system, student records system, in-house developed database system, spreadsheet system, paper-based approaches, shared drive system, etc.) are clearly not capable of connecting the dots community-wide.
Data collected in a community-based central secure threat assessment and prevention platform can be utilized for pro-active prevention and for DATA ANALYTICS to identify patterns and trends that can be utilized by a community-based threat assessment team to pre-actively intervene and prevent threats and at-risk individuals from escalating towards more violent or extreme incidents and tragedies.
The data is clear…so the sooner you and your organization (and community) start collecting, assessing and connecting the data dots…the sooner and the more effective you will be in preventing incidents, headlines, lawsuits and tragedies. Data is powerful, but ONLY if community-based TATs and appropriate organizations and resources have access to the data and use the data to take the right ACTIONS.
Now is your chance to start making a difference for your entire community! Learn how community-based data can help your TAT and your organization make a positive impact in your community. Simply click here to see a community-based threat assessment and prevention platform in action!