Taking school safety to the next level, Scottsbluff Public Schools has launched an online suite of tools to empower
students, teachers, staff and others in the community to confidentially or anonymously report suspicious or
potentially harmful incidents.
TIPS (Threat Assessment, Incident Management and Prevention Services), an award‐winning platform from
Awareity, allows for the anonymous reporting of bullying, weapons possession, drug/alcohol use, harassment or
intimidation, school vandalism, physical assault, threats of violence, suicide risk, abuse or neglect and other
Scottsbluff Public Schools launched TIPS in December 2011 with a TIPS Report Incident button on the Scottsbluff
Public Schools website at www.sbps.net for anyone in the community to access. The TIPS button will allow
students, teachers, parents, counselors, bus drivers and others to anonymously or non‐anonymously report
incidents online. Reports can also be made confidentially by phone at 308‐633‐9999.
It is critical for schools to proactively identify at‐risk individuals and improve investigations, intervention and
prevention, while documenting all actions taken. TIPS empowers SPS’s safety team to securely and confidentially
share information, coordinate the team’s ongoing safety efforts and meet state and federal OCR mandates.
“TIPS is a comprehensive suite of tools to help SPS improve school safety and provide our students, parents and
faculty with peace of mind,” said Superintendent Rick Myles. “TIPS automatically notifies our safety team
members when an incident is reported, so they can investigate, intervene and prevent incidents and ensure a safe
learning environment for everyone.”
Scottsbluff Public Schools immediately saw success with the TIPS platform during the first week of implementation,
two incident reports were submitted by students regarding safety related issues, allowing school safety team
members to proactively investigate and respond.
About Awareity:
Awareity helps organizations prevent the preventable by transforming the status quo and equipping individuals to
connect‐the‐dots. Awareity is equipping organizations of all types to improve safety and prevent regulatory
failures, compliance fines, lawsuits, privacy breaches, safety disconnects, operational challenges, ethical lapses,
incident reporting failures, workplace violence and more. Awareity’s award‐winning TIPS platform offers
innovative, proven and more cost‐effective ways to connect‐the‐dots, eliminate embarrassing gaps and realize a
better bottom line.
Katie Weaver