Part 1 of several to come…
Thank you President Obama!
As you probably saw in the news, President Obama presented a 10-point action plan aimed at securing federal government’s critical IT infrastructure.
I missed the President’s live press conference that day, so when I returned to the office I found the news story about the President’s 10-point action plan. There is no doubt that cybersecurity has become a significant concern for government and private organizations too and I wanted to see specifically what President Obama’s 10-point action plan looked like and if it targeted some of the challenges I have seen in my 20+ years of experience and Awareity’s extensive research into “lessons learned” involving cybersecurity.
In the coming days I will be blogging about each of the 10-points that make up the cybersecurity action plan, however President Obama’s initial comments below definitely caught my attention:
“This new approach starts at the top, with this commitment from me: From now on, our digital infrastructure – the networks and computers we depend on every day – will be treated as they should be: as a strategic national asset,” Obama said. “Protecting this infrastructure will be a national security priority. We will ensure that these networks are secure, trustworthy and resilient. We will deter, prevent, detect and defend against attacks and recover quickly from any disruptions or damage.”
Our federal government already has mandates, regulations, commitments, priorities and strategic national assets, yet lessons learned have shown that the federal government has had some major embarrassments and challenges ensuring, deterring, preventing, defending and recovering from numerous types of risks and threats. So what will President Obama do differently?
Lessons Learned can and should play a critical role in the Cybersecurity Action Plan and Lessons Learned should be utilized by the new Cybersecurity Policy Official who President Obama said he would appoint this week.
Stay tuned for more….